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We aim to create a hub for all Muslim Ummah to come together for their needs, be it Zabihah services, beloved products, merchandise, Salaah recordings, live webinars or dissemination of authentic and true information. Haramain, as a source of services and products wants to ensure the utmost contentment and satisfaction of the Muslim community spread across the globe.

Umrah Badal

Umrah Badal involves performing the lesser pilgrimage of Umrah on behalf of another person.

Umrah Badal refers to the practice of performing the pilgrimage of Umrah on behalf of someone else who is unable to do so themselves due to reasons such as illness, old age, or death. The term "Badal" in Arabic means substitution or exchange.

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Hajj Badal

Hajj Badal entails performing the pilgrimage of Hajj on behalf of someone else.

Hajj Badal refers to the practice of performing the pilgrimage of  Hajj on behalf of someone else who is unable to do so themselves due to reasons such as illness, old age, or death. The term "Badal" in Arabic means substitution or exchange.

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Hot Food Distribution

Alhamdu lillaah, we have the capacity to serve 10,000 pilgrims, in shaa.-Allaah.

Distributing food in Masjid al Haram and Masjid e Nabawi not only addresses the immediate physical needs of the pilgrims and worshippers but also embodies the spirit of compassion and solidarity. Each meal served becomes a means of nourishment for the body and soul, earning perpetual rewards as Sadaqah e Jariyah and fostering a sense of community and brotherhood among believers.

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Prayer Mat Distribution

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged believers to beautify their places of worship and make them inviting for prayer.

By offering prayer mats, you contribute to the enhancement of the prayer experience for countless individuals, enabling them to fulfill their religious obligations with ease and devotion. Each prayer performed on these mats becomes a source of blessings and rewards, continuing to benefit the donor as Sadaqah e Jariyah.

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Quran Distribution

In Islam, the Quran holds unparalleled significance as the word of Allah (God) revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

By participating in Quran distribution, you partake in the timeless tradition of spreading the message of Islam and earning eternal blessings as Sadaqah e Jariyah (continuous charity).

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Qurbani in Makkah

Haramain has been taking care of your Zabiha for almost 11
years, ensuring excellence and dedication. Our experienced team has been working tirelessly to ensure every Zabiha procedure is carried out correctly, and anyone from anywhere around the globe conveniently does Ibadah. The idea is to make the entire Zabiha facility convenient and accessible for anyone who wishes to perform Zabiha in the Holy city of Makkah but cannot be physically present there.

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